Wednesday, 27 June 2012

moar artsy fartsy

Hey guys! So yeah. Erm... last time I posted I could find all of the prints I'd done, so without further ado!

The above print was an epic fail. I did more batik, and it was supposed to be based on the suits of cards, but my retarded hands coupled with hot wax, and a broken tjanting resulted in this. I even forgot to mark the final red square!

The above prints I did with screens. Just lined up some dyes and paper circles and went! Quite fun and I really like the textures.

The above print was done with screens and a stencil that I made form a tracing. Printed onto black poly- cotton, I had to use a really small squeegee (they're the tools you use to print with) to get the different colours for each fist. I'm really proud of this one. I may use it in my first collection!

So, I repeated the fist print! I did it on white satin this time, cos I plan to make pillows for my family with the fabric. One word of advice, DON'T DO IT. The fabric kept slipping and I made a lot of marks and staining which I wish could've been avoided. Ah well. #YOLO

Ash x

1 comment:

  1. Power to the people *fist pump*
    Lolz sorry i had to
    I really like the ones with the paper circles~~
